Who is the Original Teddy (Standard Draw Teddy) Flashbang for?
This is the best concealed carry option for anyone who demands comfort and wants to carry a gun without changing their wardrobe to do it.
The Flashbang Holster is precisely molded to fit each gun individually. This means it snaps down around the trigger guard securely so that the trigger cannot be accessed until the gun is drawn. The Kydex holster also covers the slide of the gun to help protect it from the sweat and oils from your skin.
The holster and gun are held in place by the squeeze from your bra band and are concealed horizontally just under the breasts. When you pull down to draw your gun, the gun and holster pop out from underneath the bra band. This allows the holster to flex open, releasing the gun.
Our Flashbang Holsters are available in two different draw options. The Original Teddy (or Standard Draw Teddy) Flashbang is made from .080 (thicker) Kydex that's covered in a layer of soft suede on the exterior.
The suede helps increase breathability between your holster and your skin, so there's less sweat buildup. It also has a super soft feel to it, so strapping on your firearm can even seem a bit "cozy" -especially if the weather is cold! The suede also creates a little bit of friction against your skin that helps keep the holster in place better than slick Kydex.
We already know you're worried about keeping it clean, but it's actually simple and easy. Take a peek at the Care Instructions tab below if you'd like to know more!
The .080 Kydex is the traditional option for our bra holsters as well as what we use for IWB holster options like The Amelia or Betty 2.0. Because it’s thicker, It’s less flexible and offers more retention.This can be a very good thing when you have a large or heavy firearm, because the weight of the gun pulling down on the holster opening requires this thicker kydex to safely retain the firearm. The same is true if you carry a revolver, or a pistol with a slide-mounted optic (such as a red dot). Because of the way these holsters fit around the gun, and the parts of the Kydex that are cut away, they demand a little extra retention from the holster.
The firmer retention offered by the Original Flashbang holster is also useful when the wearer is involved in high-impact activities like crossfit-style workouts. The thicker Kydex can easily retain the gun without the support of the bra band. This adds an extra layer of security in situations where the holster might move around a lot.
This holster comes with a set of Nude Straps in Short, Medium, Long and XL.